Food addicts anonymous free pdf book
Food addicts anonymous free pdf book

food addicts anonymous free pdf book

Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window).Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window).Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window).Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window).Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window).As long as you are honest about it and prove willing to accept help, there is no obstacle you cannot overcome. Everyone runs into trouble at some point. No matter how shameful you believe the details of your story may be, other members will surprise you with their support and understanding.ĭo not be afraid to tell your sponsor and other members if you have relapsed or are having trouble sustaining recovery in any way. Whatever it is, your sponsor and group have heard it before. When you compile that list tell everything. Remember, the guiding principle in working this step is honesty. Sponsors often recommend that addicts working the first step compile a list of some of the worst behaviors and outcomes associated with their addiction. Your sponsor will also play an essential role in facilitating your work on the first step. If you ever feel week, reach out! It is part of admitting that you are powerless. First, whenever you feel like you may relapse into addictive behavior, you will now have someone to consult. They will begin to help you immediately in two ways. When you are ready to seriously work the steps, get a sponsor you can trust in order to help you with the process. Tell other understanding people, how much damage you have done to your life and to those around you. Be honest about how your attempts to manage the addiction have gone wrong. One of the best and most simple ways to admit you have lost control is to go to a meeting and share. How do we let go? The most important part is to admit the depth of our addiction and that we have lost our ability to control it. All forms of renewal and rebirth are painful at first. You are letting go of your old habits in order to build different and healthy ones. But remember, this process is a productive one. It may seem like the last thing you want to do when your life is in chaos is let go and invite even less control. However, in this step we act counterintuitively and let go instead. When we fail to gain control, our instinct is to try to hold on to control even tighter. Our attempts to control our own lives have fallen short. The 1 st step is where we let go of this pathology. But you are also getting ready to walk on a new path of recovery, one which will ultimately see you overcome and defeat addiction. What you are admitting is that the means you have used so far to control your life have failed. This is only a partial admission of defeat. Admitting you are a powerless addict seems like a form of defeat and something inside our very being rebels against that notion.ĭon’t worry.

food addicts anonymous free pdf book food addicts anonymous free pdf book

Part of the problem is that we are taught to always remain in control and to win at all costs. Many of us lost careers, marriages, friends, and ourselves as we succumbed. As we did so, our instincts and judgement led us astray over and over. When we hurt others, we often blamed them. We pretended that we had the answers and could control our behavior. As our problems with addiction grew, we hid them from others and ourselves. The 1st step is an incredibly powerful one.

Food addicts anonymous free pdf book